Held at The Barn Raybarrow Nettleton 7pm. 

PRESENT: - Cllrs Meier, Minney, Clark, Howey, and Dafforn.   .   Clerk

Apologises: - Cllr Graves, WC Cllr. Nick Botterill, Cllr Kurle

Members of the Public. None





Apologies for Absence.  Cllrs.  Kurle, Graves, and WC Cllr. Botterill



Declarations of Councillors personal and prejudicial interest in any Agenda item.   None.



Chairman’s Announcements.  Cllr. Meier thanked Mr and Mrs Howey for allowing us to use their barn for the meeting.  Unfortunately the chapel at West Kington is not suitable at the moment as it does not have wifi or allow space for social distancing.



Approval of Minutes of the meeting on the 8th July 2021.  Cllr. Lamb proposed approval of the minutes.  Seconded by Cllr. Dafforn, all approved them.



Update on Actions from the Parish Council meeting minutes where not the subject of a specific agenda item. Snow Plan is on the agenda.

Defibrillator to be discussed at a future meeting.

Digital mapping we are waiting for the maps from Cllr. Botterill to be discussed next month.




Public Participation.  None



Planning Applications.   None



Planning Applications Determined.  PL/2021/04725.  The Laurels, The Street, Burton, Single Storey extension.  Approved with conditions.

PL/2021/ Mulberry House.  Change of use from residential to B & B class C1. Approved with conditions.

PL/2021/03300.  Land South of 3 acre in West Kington. Construction of equestrian all weather arena.  Approved with conditions.



Finance Matters.  

a)      Approve payment of £84.00 to Idverde for emptying new bins.  Cllr. Meier proposed we pay this once we have confirmed they are emptied as per the agreement.  Seconded by Cllr. Howey all approved.

b)      Approve payment of £20 to Box PC for Cllr. Training.  Cllr. Meier proposed we approve the payment seconded by Cllr. Webb all approved.

c)      Review precept increase proposal.  Cllr. Meier has been looking at the budget and said if we take the income against the expenses we have a deficit.  He explain the reason for the surplus in the account is because ex Cllr. Kerr took on the role as clerk, which gave a saving on wages.  In the budget we have a small amount to cover the 25% for any highway works done by CATG.   If the PC wants to improve road safety more money needs to be put into the budget for the coming years.  He suggested that when the council looks at the budget in November they should consider annual increase over 5-9 years of 6-9%.  This will equate to £8-£12 increase per residence in the Parish

d)      .  Cllr. Meier asked if Cllrs would support this plan in principle.  All approved.

e)      Quarterly finance review.  Cllr. Minney reported that she had done the review and the only thing that needs to be added is £171.09, once this is done they are all okay.  Action the clerk to correct when the payment is cleared.

Cllr Meier said he is still waiting for the Pin number for BACS payments.  Using the new online banking facility for NPC The clerk will call the bank to find out where it is.




















Highway Report.  Cllr. Dafforn gave an update of her meeting with WC highways officer David Arnup regarding the works that had not been resolved.  The following are on the list to be done B4039 crash barrier, Corner House drainage a new gully will be fitted asap. 

The rat holes by the motorway new kerbs will be done in the next 2 weeks.  He will raise the wall by the bridge. 

Wood Lane, WC will double check the drains are connected to the drains at the bottom of the hill.   She asked Cllr. to give them any items that can be done by the parish steward.

Cllr. Dafforn is working on a Resilience plan for the parish which covers all types of problems i.e. flooding/fires etc.   She asked Cllrs to send her details of people who can help if needed.  She is concentrating on flooding at the moment.

The Snow Plan has been sent to WC for approval.  Cllr. Webb suggested that they produce a register to see which bins are used the most, this will help with refilling them in the future.  The items stored by Mr. Beare have been collected.  Cllrs. discussed which items to order from WC in case of any emergencies.  It was agreed to get 100 gel sacs and 2 flood warning signs.  Cllr. Minney offered to store them and Cllr. Meier will collect them.



Cllr. Dafforn












NPC & Environmental Issues.  Cllr. Meier and Cllr. Howey have identified 2 verges that could be used as a pilot scheme for turning them into wild flower verges.  Cllr. Howey explained the process for looking after the verges to create wild flower growth.  The sites will generate interest and will show what happens if WC change their cutting programme.

Cllr. Dafforn said she had mentioned the scheme to David Arnup who informed her that the PC will need to apply for a licence to take over the responsibility of the verges.  It was agreed that Cllr. Meier will meet with him to discuss the pilot scheme and to find out what our responsibilities will be.



Reports on Meetings & Events.  None.



AOB.  Cllrs discussed the pros and cons of the various meeting rooms that are available and agreed Cllr. Meier will now talk further with Dan Clark regarding hiring the Burton Farm shop.

Cllr. Meier asked if the day and time of NPC meetings was suitable for everyone, several Cllrs said Thursdays are difficult for them and it was agreed to look at changing the day of the meetings for next year.

Cllr. Howey said that at the training they suggested all Cllrs should have a separate email address.  The clerk will contact Netwise to see if that can be done through the website.

Cllr. Meier








Date and Time of next meetings.   14th October 2021 venue to be confirmed.



Meeting closed 20.50