Nettleton Parish
Planning Applications.
Applications Received
Planning Applications
Received. PL/2021/09947.
Willow Green House, Nettleton, SN14 7NS. Removal/variation of
condition 2 to change the internal layout of the first floor extension and
windows accordingly. Comments by 25th November 2021.
8. PL/2021/09886 -
Proposed Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Address: White House,
Nettleton, Chippenham,
SN14 7NS Proposal: T1 T2 T3 Ash trees - 30% crown reduction. Comments by
Planning Applications Determined.
21/02161/LBC - Works to a Listed Building Address: Old
Post Office, Wood Lane, West Kington, SN14 7JE Proposal: Re-thatch with combed
wheat reed (currently thatched in water reed). Approved with conditions.