To be held 7.00 pm on November 11th 2021 at The Farm Shop, Burton




1.      Apologies for absence.

2.      Declaration of Councillors’ personal or prejudicial interest in any Agenda Item.

3.      Chairman’s Introduction.

4.      Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at 14th October 2021.

5.      Update on actions from the previous meeting that are not an agenda item. 

6.      Public Participation. Members of the public may join the meeting in person.

7.      Planning Applications Received. PL/2021/09947. Willow Green House, Nettleton, SN14 7NS.  Removal/variation of condition 2 to change the internal layout of the first floor extension and windows accordingly. Comments by 25th November 2021.


8.      PL/2021/09886 - Proposed Works to Trees in a Conservation Area Address: White House, Nettleton, Chippenham, SN14 7NS Proposal: T1 T2 T3 Ash trees - 30% crown reduction. Comments by 09-11-2021.


9.      Planning Applications Determined: - 21/02161/LBC - Works to a Listed Building Address: Old Post Office, Wood Lane, West Kington, SN14 7JE Proposal: Re-thatch with combed wheat reed (currently thatched in water reed). Approved with conditions.


10.  Finance matters.  Draft budget for discussion, to be approved in December. (see attached spreadsheet)

b)  Approve payment of £456.00 to Netwise for licence for the website.

c)  Approve payment of £50.00 to Burton Farm Shop for October and November venue hire for NPC meetings.


11.  Highway Issues. 

      a)         Update on highway issues.

b)         Cllrs to report on any "at risk trees in dangerous locations and known clear owners.


12.  Environment and Biodiversity Update.

This will include progress on the wildflower verge pilots in Nettleton and overall work underway to assess Nettleton Parish biodiversity assets. At time of writing no response has been received from Wiltshire Council re the need for any licence application for the verge pilots.


13.   Reports on Meetings & Events.



14.  AOB.


Date of next meeting: -   9th December at The Farm Shop, Burton.