Nettleton Parish Council
Welcome to Nettleton
Welcome to Nettleton Parish Council website, the official home for all your local planning and highways information. The Parish Council covers the three villages of Burton, Nettleton and West Kington, including the hamlet of West Kington Wick and part of The Gibb. This website is where you can find full details of upcoming meetings and agendas, read Council meeting minutes, have a direct link to planning applications and their details online plus other useful local information and reports. This site also contains contact details of your local councillors and Parish Clerk.
The website is not a community newsletter; there is the Honeycomb, which covers all the parishes in the Bybrook area, for the wider community and the Burton Community Association has its own website. But if you have a photograph you would like published in our Featured Gallery, please do share with us.
Contact The Council
We would love to hear your feedback about any issues concerning you. Please visit our contact page to get in touch.
Meet The Councillors
Meet the Councillors, view contact information and the Councillor’s Register of Interests.
Local History
We haven’t uploaded anything here yet but if a parishioner has a short piece about their village or hamlet they would like to share here please contact the Clerk.
Parish Council Meetings
We detail the time, date and location of all our parish council meetings here including formats – face to face or Zoom with a telephone option.
All Documents
Please view and download Nettleton Parish Council documents here including agendas, minutes, planning applications and financial reports.
Community Gallery
If you have photographs you would like to share with our community please contact the Clerk.